All rights reserved ® 2010-2025, Carlos Cristiano Cabral

Version 1.12

Software derived from the Urban Soil Analyzer, by the same author, registered in Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI), as published in Revista de Propriedade Industrial (RPI) 2363, process BR 51 2016 000239-5.

Neuronios introducao um

What is the Neural Analyzer?

It’s a software that uses artificial intelligence based on Artificial Neural Networks, to create an effective decision support system, that can be applied thoroughly to every branch of human existence.

How it works?

The Analyzer works like the human brain identifying similarities between individuals. It uses statistical and complex math tools to rank them according to their similarity or affinity. It has the excellent ability to learn, that is, to acquire knowledge over time.

Where it can be used?

In many areas of knowledge, because it has a huge ability to rank objects, people, places, events, behaviors at all, processes, theses and much more.

This ability allows the Analyzer to sensibly collaborate in important society areas, as in the education, health, food, work, living, transportation, recreation, safety, social security, assistance to the disadvantaged, arrecadation and tax inspection, debt collection, perception of consumption profiles, support to sale strategies, priorization and grouping of administrative and judicial processes, among others.

Choose a specific sector to learn more.

The list of sectors above is merely exemplary.
To learn how to use the Neural Analyzer technology for a field of unlisted activity, contact us.


Step by step

How the Neural Analyzer began?

It began as a derivation from the software Analisador do Solo Urbano (Urban Soil Analyzer) the final product of the master dissertation in Applied Computing, defended by the civil engineer Carlos Cristiano Cabral in the Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), a public university located in the northeast of Brazil, on may 31, 2010, when he had 44 years. The full text of the dissertation is accessible in

The original version of the Analisador do Solo Urbano software was created for didactic purposes, however with a conception widely connected with fiscal audit, in order to identify tax distortions related to the collection of the real estate tax (called IPTU) by the county of Fortaleza, area of wide domain and knowledge of the author due to the effective position he holds in the Municipal Finance Department (see resume below).

About the author

Carlos Cristiano Cabral is a civil engineer, master in Applied Computing, and auditor of taxes of the county of Fortaleza since 2004, where he administered the real estate department from 2006 to 2013. After that, he worked as an expert in the tax litigation department for two years, and headed from 2015 to 2019 the Active Debt Cell in the Attorney General's Office of the county of Fortaleza. He was also a professor at the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), where he coordinated the Computer Science course and taught subjects such as Computer Science, Data Processing, Numerical and Graphical Calculation and Programming Logic.

He is a lecturer and instructor in courses in Law, Computing and Public Administration, having published in this last area, the book "Vivências de um gestor público" (RDS, Brazil, 2012). He obtained the first place in the Sefin Prize of Municipal Public Finance, in the master’s dissertation category, edition 2010. He is the unique author of the software Analisador do Solo Urbano, with registration in the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in 2016. By derivation, the Neural Analyzer was born from that software .

Neuronios introducao dois